Home / Duluth Trading Men's BBQ Standard Fit Short Sleeve Shirt
  • Duluth Trading Men's BBQ Standard Fit Short Sleeve Shirt - Duluth Trading Outlet Store
  • Duluth Trading Men's BBQ Standard Fit Short Sleeve Shirt - Duluth Trading Outlet Store
  • Duluth Trading Men's BBQ Standard Fit Short Sleeve Shirt - Duluth Trading Outlet Store
  • Duluth Trading Men's BBQ Standard Fit Short Sleeve Shirt - Duluth Trading Outlet Store
  • Duluth Trading Men's BBQ Standard Fit Short Sleeve Shirt - Duluth Trading Outlet Store

Duluth Trading Men's BBQ Standard Fit Short Sleeve Shirt

100 sold
  • Detail

    It’s so light and airy, it never plasters to your skin in hot, sticky situations (tending your Nukemaster 5000 Grill on 90° days, for instance). It’s as soft as all get-out, right out of the box. 100% cotton breathes easy. It boasts our unique free-moving Reach Gussets® that add extra ease – so you can wield those tongs like a samurai, or toss the cornhole bags. And the rich, colorful patterns keep you looking nicer than you have a right to. But enough about your shirt. Time to get behind that grill and get cooking.

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